Hello all!
Welcome to my blog this fine Spring day! So its the 1st of April and I personally have been waiting for this month for ages! It has been so very dreary and wet so far this year I am really holding out hope that April will bring with it the Spring vibes I have been waiting for! Plus it is Easter at the moment which always brightens my mood because, well, chocolate anyone?! It also means that I have two weeks off work and I can tell you that has been highly anticipated this term. For some reason, although this has in fact been the shortest term this year (at only 5 weeks) it has felt so long! I am absolutely exhausted and ready for a break.
This Easter we have lots to look forward to. Visiting family and meeting up with friends. We have already had some lovely days out over the Easter weekend, Easter trails at Longshaw and an egg hunt at Graves Park in Sheffield were great fun. I can't wait to rest, relax and read!! Last month was a bit slow on the reading front, I only managed 4 books and two of those were childrens books, which just goes to show how busy I was with work.
With that in mind I wanted to share with you my March reading wrap up.
The Boy at the Back of The Class by Onjali Q Raof - This was such a beautiful story. I first found Onjali Q Rauf when I read The Nightbus Hero and this one was just as fantastic! She writes empowering stories about children and this was no exception. I am looking forward to reading the World Book Day sequel, The Day we met the Queen, when I can get my hands on it!
The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware - This was very creepy and enthralling. I found it so gripping and the twist was exceptionally clever. A great story.
Zero Days by Ruth Ware - Another very gripping and clever thriller. Ruth Ware is fast becoming one of my favourite Authors!
Love your Amazing Self by Ofosu Jones - Quartey - This one was a Netgalley ARC that had been on my shelf for ages. It was such a lovely book full of tips to help build confidence, improve wellbeing and increase love and kindness in your life. It was really beautiful.

So those were my March reads, some lovely books in there. You can click on the links and it will take you to my instagram page where I will be mostly posting reviews. From now I am going to use the blog to concentrate more on life and wellness. Books will play a huge part in that but you may not see individual reviews as much on here from now on.
I hope I manage to get my blogging mojo back and provide you with some exciting content. Spring is a new start for me and a way to enjoy writing and blogging again. Watch this space.......
I hope that your April has gone well so far! Looks like you had some good reads in March.
I've not heard of any of those books but glad you have such a lot to look forward to this April!
Lisa | https://www.lisasnotebook.com
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Zero Days by Ruth Ware! It's on my list and I'm excited to get to it. Happy April Bex!