I would like to say a HUGE thank you to author Katherine Faulkner and Bloomsbury Books for bringing this book to my attention. I first heard of it at a book event held by Bloomsbury Books where three authors were discussing their work and answering a Q&A. Well I was enticed from that evening and so when Netgalley sent me an email saying it was ready to request I literally jumped at the chance. Thankfully I was approved and Wow am I glad I was! This book was amazing from start to finish and had me hook, line and sinker!
I was given a copy of this E-book for free in return for an honest review but that has in no way influenced my review. All thoughts, opinions and overall gushing are my own!

When you have it all... you have so much more to lose
Helen has it all...
Daniel is the perfect husband.
Rory is the perfect brother.
Serena is the perfect sister-in-law.
And Rachel? Rachel is the perfect nightmare.
My thoughts
It has been a day since I finished this book, I needed to take some time before I felt I was able to give it a full review. It honestly blew me away and I wanted to let it all sink in before writing down my thoughts.
The book is a slow burner, it begins lightly, lulling you into a gentle rhythm as it begins to introduce you to Helen and her seemingly perfect life. The more we learn about Helen though the more we realise all is not as it seems, we see the many cracks that are forming just under the surface. We realise she has overcome many complications before becoming pregnant with this baby that she and her husband Daniel so desperately wanted; and so is intent on cocooning herself and her bump in safety until the day she meets her baby.
The story delves into the relationships between Helen and her old friends and siblings, sharing tiny bits of information with the reader but never quite giving you everything, you are always aware there is more lurking behind the facade of the characters. This is a fantastic example of suspense, I was constantly left feeling I hadn't been given all the details and I was missing a vital piece of the puzzle. A newcomer Rachel, appears suddenly within Helens bubble and seems intent on disturbing her peace. But why?
The characters are built beautifully and once you hit the half way mark the suspense comes thick and fast. Honestly there are some amazing twists and turns, every time I thought I had figured it out I was thrown another curve ball and left guessing again until the very end! I couldn't put this book down, it was an incredible and agonising page turner.
Such an extremely clever story. Well done Katherine Faulkner!! I am very excited to see what delights you have in store for us in the future, I for one will be ready to buy your next book!
Greenwich park will be published on 15th April 2021 and you can pre order a copy from Waterstones (please do I highly recommend it! - Not an affiliate link)
Follow Katherine on twitter @k_faulkner
This sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing.
This sounds like a great read! I love when stories are filled with suspense and don't give everything right away, it builds a great page turner! I will add to my TBR, thanks for sharing x