Well hello everyone, happy Sunday! I would like to start my Sunday post with a birthday wish to my fabulous brother in law! 21 again today! I hope you have a fantastic day and I can't wait until we are able to see you both and celebrate properly!! Roll on the end of lockdown!

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme
Well its been a busy few weeks, the children are all back at school and it has been so lovely seeing all their faces. The first day they all came back one of my little ones came in and the smile on her face just made my day, it was the best thing. Crazy, fun and exhausting all in one. My reading fell by the way side a little due to falling asleep most nights at 9pm!
However I did manage to finish the fabulous Dog Days by Ericka Waller in time for my blog tour spot, a great book. If you love a character driven story with dogs then this is a must for you. I recently watched a live interview with her on instagram and she is just fantastic! Scroll down for my review link.
We had world book day, one of my favourite days in the calendar. What could be better than a whole day dedicated to celebrating our love of books?? Gutted I wasn't in school this year but myself and R read a lot of books throughout the day in order to mark the occasion!
Book Mail
I have had some fantastic books arrive through my letterbox since my last Sunday post.
Measure of days by Sophy Lazell - Published May 2020
I was lucky enough to win an instagram competition this month and received a signed copy of this beautiful book. This is one that will be kept forever, I mean just look at that beautiful sparkly cover!!
Jaipur Journals - Publish date 4th March 2021
This book is an ARC received for a blog tour in April. I look forward to reading and reviewing it!
The Extinction trials by S.M.Wilson - Rebel & Exile
Although I haven't yet read our months book club book I was very swayed by everyones opinions who had so I splurged and treated myself to the next two books in the series. I hope they live up to the hype of my book club buddies!
Mr Right across the street - Kathryn Freeman
This was gifted to me through an instagram RAOK and I am looking forward to reading it, it seems to be a fun light-hearted romp.
What's a girl to do - Holly Bourne
Again this was gifted to me via an insta buddy. This is the third on the spinster club series written by Holly. I have read the first one and loved it so looking forward to reading the other two in the series.
Book I have bought
I am a sucker for a 99p kindle deal and I found a few absolute bargains this last few weeks!
The husbands secret - Liane Moriarty
I love Liane Moriarty and have read a few of her books so I am excited to read this one.
The Switch - Beth O'Leary
I LOVED flatshare (you can read my review here) and have wanted to read this second book by Beth for ages so I snapped it up when I saw it was on offer. I am very much looking forward to her new book 'The Road Trip' being released.
The Duke and I by Julia Quinn (The Bridgerton series)
After watching Bridgerton on Netflix (and may I just say...... Oh My..... *fans self while swooning upon the sofa*) I was absolutely hooked and so when I saw this book on offer I couldn't resist. I hope the book is as racy as the TV series!
On the blog this week
Dragonfly girl - Marti Liembach [Book review] My first blog tour event 💞
Act your age Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert [Book review] Such a fantastic book!
Coming up on the blog
Review of Crowns of Croswold by D.E Knight
Review of Fear of Flying by Kate Allen
Review of The Extinction trials for my book club read of the month
Well that is all from me. I hope you all have a lovely week, we are moving ever closer to the next date in the lockdown schedule so who knows, by my next Sunday post I may have been able to meet up with 6 people in a garden.... one can only hope!
Keep safe everyone and enjoy the spring weather that is peeking out through the clouds!
I have The Switch but have never gotten around to reading it! I can't wait to see what you think
Sorry you weren't in school to celebrate world book day, but I'm glad you had a celebration at home regardless. Have a great week!